Tuesday 6 January 2015

Witches rap & Stay with me evaluation

The Witched Greens Rap
The Witches Rap was a very vocally challenging song for me to sing . Working with Kim has boosted my confidence with performing solo's excessively.
In my script myself and Kim (in one to one rehearsals) made notes on where to breathe, how many beats i had , tongue twisters, high notes , tempo and timing.
On the fist verse of my song there was 12 beats for my to fit the dialogue in before i started to sing.
We practiced waiting for those beats but we found a pause before i started to ding and then that became a clear que for me to start.
Another set of notes for example was where i needed to fit breaths in. This was important to learn because i needed to get all the notes out the best i could whilst fitting in all the lyrics within the songs fast saccartto.
Another challenge i came across was tongue twisters like "rooting through my rutabaga" "raiding my arugula" these proved to be really hard for me. But Kim told me as a vocal warm up i should focus on my diction and repeat these twisters. This was great advice because it meant my voice and diaphragm had a good warm up and i also practiced the hardest part of the song .
This song was a struggle because of the fast tempo, and challenging music but with practice i did improve and became more confident in myself and the song.
My strengths in this song where defiantly the stamina i had to keep up with the music and also my vocal range. In performances there where some slip ups but i would always stay in character and improvise while i waited for the music to catch up.
To practice for this song i would go home and listen to the pauses and beats in the song.

Stay with me 

In my notes for into the woods i have had to concentrate on the timing and beats especially on the words "princes" "someone" "stay a child while you can PAUSE be a child" ect.
to practice the these beats i would just listen to the audio and make notes of changes in the music or instruments.
Breathing wasn't hard in this solo however there where alot of high notes to try and reach through a comfortable head voice range for example " who out there could love you more then i "
I really enjoyed this song as i got to show the witches more loving side to Rapunzel and the audience. I showed this by singing in softer notes and would make my diction very clear to almost as if that would help portray a loving change in the character.

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