Tuesday 20 January 2015

Analytical Responses

1.  'Given Circumstances" 
Given Circumstances was a method created by  Stanislavski in the 20th century in Moscow. It involves the actor (character) being influenced  by their surroundings and environment.Although an actor (character) might make  choices unconsciously or naturally , the actor playing the character is aware of such conditions on a conscious level to help him or her develop his or her understanding of the motivation behind the character's actions, or super objective.

2. Dissociative Disorder
A dissociative disorder is a mental health illness that ulsters a persons sense of reality.Someone with a dissociative disorder may experience memory loss or may feel that their body or the world around them is unreal,uncertain about who they are and that they have many different identities.Most people suffering with a dissociative disorder will have experienced some kind of trauma in their childhood.They 'dissociate' or switch between reality and their own delusion to escape the trauma of their own reality. This feeling of being disconnected from themselves of the rest of the world can be extremely distressing, significantly affecting work and personal life.
It can affect people at any age and has nothing to do with a head injury or underlying health condition – it's the result of the brain adapting to a difficult early life experience or trauma.
In act one Lisa seems to come across very normal and ordinary until we see her travel to Dissocia (her mental dissoctive disorder). However even though we know she is living in her own delusion she acts normal towards the characters she meets. For example she asks for help and directions from the guards and Britney and is horrified and shocked like any normal person would be at their obscene actions and persona's. We do see a little insight into her metal illness in the scene where Jane is raped by the Scape Goat. Lisa curls up into a ball on the floor and is talking to her self trying to escape what is happening around her. This is parallel to the characteristics of the disorder. In contrast to act one, in act two we see a very different side of Lisa. The reality. She is a patient on a psychiatric ward who is suffering with a dissoctive disorder. She is dopey, slow and limp compared to her alert , excitable and animated persona in act one. Her mannerism  is completed different. Some characters are parallel in her delusion and her reality for example. Victor, Lisa's boyfriend is represented as the abusive , manipulating goat in act one terrorizing Lisa. We learn this from the way Victor treats Lisa on the ward in act two. He sends Lisa on a guilt trip acting as if its harder to cope with Lisa in his life then it is for Lisa who is the one suffering from this disturbing and delusional disorder. He is controlling and emotionally abusive towards Lisa. 

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