Tuesday 6 January 2015

Performance evaluations / full rehearsal day

Full run all day 17th 
We had the whole day to run through and stage any last minuet checks on props , costume , lighting and sound. It had been raining over night and had coursed a lot of build up of mud. This was a problem as it was slippery and could of been a distraction to our performance. We managed to et a cover over the audience but all we could do for the mud was put cardboard covers on it and step lightly. It wasn't going to stop us how ever I was worried that the mud may get on my cloak and add weigh to it. I then didn't want my body language to be effected by the cloak as it was already really heavy .However I managed to hold up my cloak in a appropriate way that still showed I was in character.

The First performance I thought went really well . I was very pleased with my performance in this show I thought went really successfully. I feel that I projected my voice with power and confidence through out my performance.
What went well was I remembered all my lines  I made the line 'why didn't you tell me you had a visitor?' loud and lowered my tone to show that the Witch was angry with Rapunzel .

My song's went really well .My projection was confident and clear even in the challenge of the wind and rain.
 And I maintained an angry , imposing and controlling persona within the Witches character by holding my head back my posture was straight and my strides where wide. I thought these characteristics of my body movement would portray a strong , powerful character.  Also I would have a stern expression on my face, by frowning and showing my teeth . I thought this was important to show through my face because the audience can then make a quick prejudiced opinion of my character.   
  However to improve the nest performance I wanted to go over my transformation with the year 13 students as I thought I looked messy. Everyone did their best and the show looked great. I was always at the right entrance and I remembered all my props. Also the transferring of the mics went well everyone revived their mics and got on stage in time. I was also very proud of getting over my fear of climbing the tower!

17th Evening performance  
The second performance went well however I feel that my voice wasn't as strong as I'd of liked it to be  in 'Stay With Me'. My mic was in the wrong place so it didn't pick my voice up fully . Also I needed to be more confident with the song and project it as much as I can. Never the less I carried on and got a big applause. Also I was really annoyed with myself because I forgot the prop (the knife) to cut off Rapunzel's hair. I thought quickly though and used my wand. For the next performance I will improve this scene by making sure I have the prop and using it well during the performance with emphasis and confidence. 
The transformation I thought was better today though, hopefully we can keep this up for the next two shows.

18th afternoon performance 
I feel as though this was my worst performance. I was out of time in scene one so I had to wait for the music to catch up in my rap , however I covered it by doing a dramatic pause. This was effective and the rest of the cast told me it was a great cover up. The dancers were brilliant and made their dance look really effective around me.
Stay with me went well and I remembered my prop this time.
The scene with the fake cow was great , it got loads of laughs , however I was really disappointing with my transformation. The year 13 student's didn't get on stage in time and I ended up having to rip the cloak off and stitch it before the next show that evening. Everyone needed to stay focused for our next show as we where really excited. I was ready to be focused for the show as I had family coming to watch and I didn't really enjoy this performance.
Furthermore we managed to get some wooden boards to cover the mud this made it better for the audience and the cast !

Last show 18th 
Everyone was really excited for this performance and I have to say it was our best! I had so much fun , I really felt it was the best I'd ever acted. My rap was in perfect timing and stay with me was a success. Everyone stayed calm and collected but you could tell we where all having so much fun. Also we had a great enthusiastic audience which made us all fell better!
I remembered my prop and the transformation was the neatest it had ever been. The only down fall was that I messed up some of the dialogue in scene 4 however I improvised and no one in the cast even noticed my mistake.I think it was very professional of me to use improvisation because I was professionally and spontaneously  thinking on the spot. I have really enjoyed into the woods, it was a unique musical and what a wonderful achievement to perform in the cold and mud in December.

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