Monday 26 January 2015

Tuesday the 20th

In todays lesson with Rachel we worked one to one with the actor playing the same part as myself in the other cast . I was working with holly Hoskinson. To start the whole class had to learn the different stages of tension from point 1 neutral to 7 extremely exaggerated.
After me and Holly paired up and thought about different stages in the play where Lisa our character ranged from a 1 to a 7 . For example we thought the line "I was just dancing! What the fuck is wrong with dancing !?" would be a 7 . Lisa is distressed because she is doing something she thinks is innocent however she is getting punish for it. We acted different lines out to each other and then picked our favourite contrasting ones. Then we would perform 2 separate lines to the class they would then have to guess what level of tension that line was depending on how we acted the dialogue out. After this we learnt what 'sub texting' is . Sub texting is what the character is actually thinking compared to what they are actually saying . After this we had ago at actin gout scene one. Holly went first with her cast then I went second with my cast . After we then had to improvise the second act with the sub text we had created for our characters . It was a challenged as each character had a goal they had to for fill . But It gave me a good understanding out what Lisa would really be thinking to her self and how that would effect her mannerisms.
To finish off the lesson we went off into our separate cast and had ago at blocking act 2 from the start.

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