Tuesday 6 January 2015

Full Run through Lena's Lesson

Today Lena let us use the lesson to do a whole rehearsal. I think it was great practice especially as it
 was in a class room and our normal performance space was in the theater, dance studio or outside. It was good to see that as a class we could pull together to make it work in any performance space. It was a struggle because the class room was small but we had a great opportunity to focus on our characterization.
We where told what went well and how we could improve our performance. Katie sat and watched the whole thing start to finish with out stopping us. She made lots of notes along the way then at the end of the run through discussed with every cast member how they could improve but also what they were doing well. She also gave us an opportunity to ask any questions and discuss anything we were worried about.
What I did well: Stayed in character , movement and body language was animated and engaging.
Targets: Need to practice the tongue twister lyrics "rooting through my rutabaga" and hitting the high notes on my solo stay with me "with me"
I thought those comments where fair as i was finding the tongue twister lyrics hard.On a whole i thought everyone one did well , everyone new their lines and stayed in character . We adjusted to the performance space effectively and where confident that we could perform the next day !

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