Wednesday 14 January 2015

Audition work shop 8th ofJan

Audition workshop
For the second part of the audition we had a work shop on improvisation . We where given groups to work in for example i was teamed with Holly H , Kim and Ashley. We where then given 3 scenarios , 1st we had and a funny scene with a mum , dad , their daughter and her boyfriend. I played Paul the dad. We created a funny scene where the dad would be embarrassing and scare the boyfriend off after meeting him for the first time.
 The second scene was an angry scene with a shop attendant , a chavy girl and a posh daughter with her posh mother. I played the posh mother and we had to build a heated argument with the chav and shop attendant. 
Finally our third scene had to be a serious scenario . The death of a child. I was a friend of the mother who had lost her child. It was had to do a really serious scene after creating such funny and comic ones. I think it was a very clever challenge though because we did have to be put on the spot and instinctively use improvisation to portray certain emotions. This was a great insight to our director on not just our improvisation but also on our multi role play skills.

After the 3 scenes where finished we had to link each scenario together to make one big performance. We had to come up with new characters and new ideas in a short space of time.
This is great focus and improvisation  skill practice.

 Our Final piece

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