Monday 26 January 2015

Combined Lesson with Emily and Kim

In todays lesson with Kim we did a warm up exploring scales and harmonies. We also practised intervilas to help with our duets.

In todays lesson with Emily we had a recap of all the dances we had learnt . I found it very diffiult to keep up and coordenate movements. However my extension was good and I maily focused on characterisation. We have a rehearsal day tuesday 1-3 so that will be helpful. We also have to think about costume for grease .

thursday 22nd

In todays lesson we worked on Stlyalised pedestrian movement. This is where you take basic movements and change the pace or exaggerate movements so they almost look like a sequenced dance. Holly and Myself paired up again to work on the movents togther. We had to think of movements we thought would syimblosie certain scenes in the play. We then had to change the pace and exaggerate certain movements. Even repeating some movememts. After showing the class we then filmed it and ran it in one big piece as a whole class. This is the finished piece .

Tuesday the 20th

In todays lesson with Rachel we worked one to one with the actor playing the same part as myself in the other cast . I was working with holly Hoskinson. To start the whole class had to learn the different stages of tension from point 1 neutral to 7 extremely exaggerated.
After me and Holly paired up and thought about different stages in the play where Lisa our character ranged from a 1 to a 7 . For example we thought the line "I was just dancing! What the fuck is wrong with dancing !?" would be a 7 . Lisa is distressed because she is doing something she thinks is innocent however she is getting punish for it. We acted different lines out to each other and then picked our favourite contrasting ones. Then we would perform 2 separate lines to the class they would then have to guess what level of tension that line was depending on how we acted the dialogue out. After this we learnt what 'sub texting' is . Sub texting is what the character is actually thinking compared to what they are actually saying . After this we had ago at actin gout scene one. Holly went first with her cast then I went second with my cast . After we then had to improvise the second act with the sub text we had created for our characters . It was a challenged as each character had a goal they had to for fill . But It gave me a good understanding out what Lisa would really be thinking to her self and how that would effect her mannerisms.
To finish off the lesson we went off into our separate cast and had ago at blocking act 2 from the start.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Master of the House rehersals 19th

Today I rehearsed the song Master of the house with Max and Kim. It went well, we shorted out the right pitch and tiempo of the song . The one thing we need to work on is the tone and characterization of the chararcters within the song. We also discussed what costume we would want to wear we would have to research the french revillution and get insperation from there.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Analytical Responses

1.  'Given Circumstances" 
Given Circumstances was a method created by  Stanislavski in the 20th century in Moscow. It involves the actor (character) being influenced  by their surroundings and environment.Although an actor (character) might make  choices unconsciously or naturally , the actor playing the character is aware of such conditions on a conscious level to help him or her develop his or her understanding of the motivation behind the character's actions, or super objective.

2. Dissociative Disorder
A dissociative disorder is a mental health illness that ulsters a persons sense of reality.Someone with a dissociative disorder may experience memory loss or may feel that their body or the world around them is unreal,uncertain about who they are and that they have many different identities.Most people suffering with a dissociative disorder will have experienced some kind of trauma in their childhood.They 'dissociate' or switch between reality and their own delusion to escape the trauma of their own reality. This feeling of being disconnected from themselves of the rest of the world can be extremely distressing, significantly affecting work and personal life.
It can affect people at any age and has nothing to do with a head injury or underlying health condition – it's the result of the brain adapting to a difficult early life experience or trauma.
In act one Lisa seems to come across very normal and ordinary until we see her travel to Dissocia (her mental dissoctive disorder). However even though we know she is living in her own delusion she acts normal towards the characters she meets. For example she asks for help and directions from the guards and Britney and is horrified and shocked like any normal person would be at their obscene actions and persona's. We do see a little insight into her metal illness in the scene where Jane is raped by the Scape Goat. Lisa curls up into a ball on the floor and is talking to her self trying to escape what is happening around her. This is parallel to the characteristics of the disorder. In contrast to act one, in act two we see a very different side of Lisa. The reality. She is a patient on a psychiatric ward who is suffering with a dissoctive disorder. She is dopey, slow and limp compared to her alert , excitable and animated persona in act one. Her mannerism  is completed different. Some characters are parallel in her delusion and her reality for example. Victor, Lisa's boyfriend is represented as the abusive , manipulating goat in act one terrorizing Lisa. We learn this from the way Victor treats Lisa on the ward in act two. He sends Lisa on a guilt trip acting as if its harder to cope with Lisa in his life then it is for Lisa who is the one suffering from this disturbing and delusional disorder. He is controlling and emotionally abusive towards Lisa. 

Unit 14 - Musical theatre Performance - Assessment Record Sheet

Form 1
Form 2