Thursday 21 May 2015

Vocal practise routine

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
 Target for next time
Today I practised an octave scale.
I need to keep practising the octave scale to build my voice up.
Keep working on the scale and maybe find a new warm up to practise with.
I have practiced tongue twisters with a pencil in my teeth.
To improve I need to practise at different speeds.
To find new tongue twisters to practise. 
To practise articulation I have practised the octave scale using different vowels like A, E , I ,O , U.
To improve I could practise the scale working my way through the vowels and then doing them backwards eg. U,O,I,E,A
To find new exercises for staccato and legato.
jumping from scale to scale each week.
Keep jumping randomly.
To practise this technique every week.
Breath control
To practise breath control I inhaled for 10 secs held for 10 sec then exhaled for 10 secs.
I will increase the secs from 10 to 20 . 
To take in a bigger breath.
To practise projection I took a deep breath and hissed out for as long as possible.
To improve I will keep practising this warm up.
Find new warm ups for projection and read some text out to someone who can give me constructive feed back on my projection.
I used the octave to practise jumping scales (note to note) but staying in tune.

I need to improve this as I find it really hard to jump scales.

My target is too keep practising so I find it easier to jump the scale.

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
Targets for next time
This week I’m practising a scale of 10.
I need to keep going back to an octave scale and building it up to 10.
I would like to get to a 16 note scale.
This week I have practised my diction with a pencil in my teeth to the tongue twister ‘how much wood could a wood chuck , chuck’.
To improve my diction I’m going to stick with this warm up and get faster when repeating it.
My target is to get really sharp with this the tongue twister then find a new one to practise with.
I have practised I a,e,I,o,u on a scale with 10 notes .
Keep practising on a 10 note scale .
To get to practise the a,e,I,o,u, scale up to a scale of 16.
Jumping from scale to scale each week.                
Keep jumping randomly.
Practise this technique every week.
Breath control
This week for breath control I have practised panting .
To improve my breath control I’m going to keep practising this warm up for a week .
Find a new warm up for next week to do with breath control.
Practise saying HA! – expel all the air out of my lungs in one “pop” by saying “ha!” This should get louder as I keep practising.
Keep practising this new warm up.
Keep going with this new warm up.
Practising jumping and hitting the right note on a 10 note scale.
Keep practising on a 10 note scale . Listen to a 10 note scale on a piano to help.
Get to a 16 note scale.

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
Targets for next time.
I’m still practising my scale up to 10.
Seek some peer support on how to get to a 10 note scale.
To work way my way up to a 16 note scale.
This week I have worked with the tongue twister ‘she sells sea shells by the sea shore’
This tongue twister has been the hardest to I need to keep practising.
To find a whole new warm up.
I have kept on practising my vowel scale up to 10 this week.
To Improve I need to practise with my peers to build more confidence with articulation.
Build my vowel scale up to a 16 note scale.
Jumping around the scale.
Keep jumping randomly
Practise this method every week .
Breath control
Practising inhaling for 20 , holding for 20 exhaling fro 20.
Keep practising.
Try holing for 25 secs next week .
I have been practising the ‘HA’ method.
It’s been working well. But I’d like to find a new method
To find a new method.
I have kept practising on a 10 note scale.
Practise with peers.
Get to a 16 note scales.

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
Targets for next time.
This week I have managed to get up to a 16 note scale comfortably.
I need to keep practising to get better and more confident.
I would now like to try and get to a 20 note scale if that’s possible.
To practise diction I have tried saying the tongue twisters as if I have a sticky toffee in my mouth.
Practise this method with new twisters.
Find new tongue twisters.
I have been trying to practise my vowels scale on a 16 note scale.
Keep practising until I feel confident.
I would like to be able to practise the vowel scale up to a 18 note scale.
Jumping around the scale with different notes.
Keep jumping the scales randomly.
Practise this every week.
Breath control
I managed to inhale for 25 hold for 25 and exhale for 25.
Keep practising this.
Find a new warm up .
I have found a new method to practise with ‘Ahhh’ – is a variation on the hiss, again I held until I couldn’t exhale any more.
To improve I will keep working with the ‘ahhh’ method.
To ask my parents to see how my projection is when reading a passage out .
I have practised jumping on a 16 note scale, it’s been hard but I’ve managed it a couple of times.
Keep practising the 16 scale .
work up to a 18 note scale.

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
Target for next time
I have been going back over the 10 note and 16 note scale as it has been really hard to build it up to a 20 note scale.
Keep practising and maybe practise with peers.
Get to a 20 note scale.
I have found this new tongue twister to practise Ugly vampires wear extraordinarily yellow zippers.
Keep practising this tongue twister for next week when I find a new one.
Find a new tongue twister.
I am going to try and do the vowel scale up to a 20 note scale. I have been practising a 16 note scale.
Keep practising the 16 note scale.
Try and get to 20
Jumping the scale.
Jump randomly up the scale as high up the scale as I can.
                Keep practising this every week.
Breath control
I have found a new method ‘the balloon’ you practise blowing up a balloon and you should have your mouth in a kiss position or shape .
Keep practising this.
Find a new method.
I found a new method ‘Count it out’- a steady count as a group for as long as I can on just one breath. I make sure the numbers are strongly projected and I use a good amount of air each time.
To improve I need to practise this new method.
My target will be to see how many numbers I can count up to.
I’ve been practising jumping the scale on a 18 note scale.
Practise this for  a couple of weeks.
Maybe see If I can work my way up to a 20 note scale.

Vocal technique

What I’ve done
How to improve
Targets for next time
I haven’t managed to get to a 20 note scale on my own but I can do it with the rest of the class as they complement my voice.
I need to continue practising with my class to have a feel for it on my own.
To get to a 20 note scale comfortably.
I found this new tongue twister to practise with Beckoned Becky, boasted Bobby, believed babbling Brooke.
To improve I need to try this tongue twister at different speeds.
To be able to say this tongue twister at a good speed.
I haven’t been able to get to a 20 note scale so I’ll just keep going with the a 16 .
Keep practising the 16 note scale maybe work up to 18.
Try and get to a 18 note scale reciting the a,e,I,o,u.
Try jumping from 10 to 20 scale.
Start off lower down the scale .
Practise this every week.
Breath control
I have gone back to panting.
To improve I need to keep practising new methods.
Find new methods and keep practising this one.
This week to practise projection I have practised this warm up ‘Yawn – I yawn while reciting “a,e,i,o,u.” This exercise opens up the back of the throat and helps the breath control you need to have when projecting
To improve I will practise this method for a week.
Find a new method.
I haven’t been able to jump up and down a 20 or 18 note scale well and get the notes right .
So im going to stick with a 16 note scale and practise that .
Eventually be able to jump  a 20 note scale and get the note right.

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