Thursday 7 May 2015

Monday 13th Lena's lesson run of act 2 show week

In Lena's lesson we where able to do a  run of act 2 in Dissocia. This is the act we have spent the least amount of time on as it has simple stage directions and little dialogue. In this act there is a complete contrast in theme , style and attitudes. In act 2 Lisa is revealed to be a patient on a psychiatric ward so the style is naturalistic and the themes are hostile , disconnected , repetitive and there is a new form of structure  Lisa has to live with. I imagine her attitudes would be confused, scared , disconnected.

It was a useful rehearsal and it was good to see how the other cast interpreted act 2 . Small
things  stood out  like facial expression and body language .  Generally everyone's body language was closed and restrictive. An example to who I watched was Holly . I wanted to see her body language during the section when Lisa leaves her room. I noticed that she picked up some objects to take out with her when she left. This made the whole scenario look more purposeful. However I noticed that her confrontation with the nurse brining her back to her room was more calm and pleading then how I interpreted that dialogue . Personally I deliver that dialogue with anger and annoyance. I feel as though this makes Lisa look more aggressive and furthermore disconnected. Both ways of delivering these lines from myself and Holly where appropriate and unique to our own performance.

I feel that my cast gave a great level of energy in this act . The energy from the nurses and doctors where flat , distant and naturalistic . The energy was appropriately dropped or risen when necessary for example when Lisa starts manically dancing around the room. As well as my energy change the nurses reacted with good energy and responses.

The hardest part personally in this scene is remembering that when the lights go out the next movement may just be a nurse coming in to check on me . To help, Katie would read out the stage directions so we could act accordingly and make a mental note of the order of minimalist stage directions.

Overall it was a helpful rehearsal and has shown me what elements I really want to work on. I feel I need to pay close attention on how Lisa has mentally deteriorated . This needs to be obvious to fit the naturalist style of act 2 and the low , ominous theme . Also I want to work on the dialogue between Lisa and Vince, I feel as though there is too much aggression between them and it should feel more awkward and disappointment between them.

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