Thursday 7 May 2015

Tuesday 14th tec Run

Today we ran a que to que tec run for those in charge of lighting and sound. This is so they know when lights change or flash and when there needs to be sound effects to help compliment a scene. For example the scene where Jane and Lisa are in the plane needed to be ran with sound effects for the bombing to go with the mimes Liviey was doing to represent her dropping bombs over the west.

 My cast did a que to que of act 1 and Holly's cast did act 2 . Act 2 was a complete experiment with lighting as we decided we wanted to use the house lights to show the raw naturalistic environment of a psychiatric ward . It worked really well because It gave the act an uncomfortable and sterile feel. We also set the staging to 'In the round' so we could experience what the audience will during act 2.

Also In act 2 I was in charge of switching the house lights on and off. We thought that doing it manually with long pauses in between would seem more naturalistic of nurses in a hospital turning on lights . Also the long pauses would represent the time passing during the course of Lisa's recovery.

It is really important to remember que lines as they can be que for lighting , sound or entrances
 for other characters. I felt as though the tec run went well and I remembered the key changes in the scenes. I know where to stand on the stage to be lighten up as much as I can , and I also know where to move to , to let other characters be at the front of the stage .

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