Thursday 7 May 2015

Wednesday performance to A level drama class 15th

Today was show day , and we got a chance to run our first performance in front of a student audience to have a professional performance environment for our marked performance in the evening. I thought it was a good idea to have they audience there because it helped me as a actor get in the right professional mind set as I would be for the real performance . Also after the audience where able to do a question and answer with our cast and also tell us what they thought worked well and what they liked and also what they thought was unclear.

Overall I was proud of my first full run through and performance. Strengths that particular stood out for me where my characterisation In lift , guard scene , goat scene and act2.
For example I thought my facial expressions in the lift scene contributed to the laughs that scene got. I really over exaggerated my facial expressions to add to the element of humour in this scene.

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