Wednesday 20 May 2015

Cats evaluation

Overall I think Cats went really well ! The peaks and the pollicals dance was the best we have ever performed . On the night we ended up changing changing some of the choreography to make it look less messy. For example there's a section where we dropped to the floor and rolled in a formation. We found that the space wasn't enough to make it look professional , it just looked messy and all over the place. So we replaced it with some camera actions whist stooping low and moving our upper bodies from side to side. This related much better to the role of the paperatzi and look a lot neater and polished . We delivered this new change really well and it made the piece come togther. I think my extension had really improved for this performance. I have really been trying to improve my extension to make my mores and gestures look stronger and bolder . Also I think my memory for the dance moves in this particular dance was very good. I remember all the right moves and felt confident when dancing . Also I feel my facial expressions where bold and animated . Epically when we have to fight eachother . I had an angery and aggressive facil expression during that phrase and I think my characterisation came across well in this dance .

However to improve I would set some targets for the final , closing dance. I feel that my confidence and memory for the choreography needs to be improved . So my targets for if I had another chance to do this dance would be to rehears the last dance to a confident standard , and even though I wasn't confident on the dance I needed to look more confident to make it professional .

However overall I am really proud of the peaks and the pollicals dance , I really enjoyed it and I'm proud of my progression . I feel as though my stamina has improved and also I feel as though my extension is alot sharper and straight.

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