Thursday 12 November 2015

Drama 5th November unit 1 self review

Act one self review notes

  • I feel confident with the opening song Rent.
  • You ok honey ? - Feel confident with lyrics , however I think we need to be more specially aware and devise some key movements. 
  • Santa Fe  I really enjoy singing but we need to improve the movement on the train and choreograph some solid dance movement that we can link with key lyrics .
  • Today for you - timing needs to be improved and become because more confident with lyrics .
  • I'll cover you- I feel confident with we just need to become confident with blocking and travelling across the stage and I need to work on the reprise with Kim .

Songs we need to learn next as a class
  • I should tell you
  • over the moon
  • La vie boheme
In the second part of the lesson we learnt the song Christmas bells and sung it to the piano with Kim . I found the timing quite hard and all over the place . Its quite fast in some places however I find the timing really challenging in my lines " you don't have to do this" and " I do not deserve you, Angel Give-Give- All you do/ is give  Give me some way to show How much you've touched me so". To improve I need to listen to the timing of the music and maybe mark on my script where I need to break , speed up or slow down.
Also once we are confident on the timing and the lyrics we need to devise some blocking as in this song it is a busy street scene. I think groups should travel and sing together . For example the 'junkies' , 'homeless' and the 'cops' should stick together and rotate the stage back to back . I think this could look quite effect as the people they are reacting to or singing to circle them in an outer rotation to give an imposing , territorial tone to match the lyrics.

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