Thursday 19 May 2016

Rent Movement Evaluation

 I have taken chunks from my Rent evaluation on my movement and added it to the post to show how I evaluated my movement within Rent. These are the parts that I feel show how I reflected on my movement in my performance whilst playing Collins.

' I may be detained' this worked well because it created tension , that line in its self foreshadows the events that follow . The beat up looked really effective , I was cornered and had a low posture when moving back towards an exit to show how Collins would of been feeling threatened and scared
I contributed my idea of the 'mugging' scene especially how we exited off the stage. My idea was fighting movement. For example the group would push me to the ground and dannii would kick me in the stomach . This gave me the chance to stumble up in front of the group and run off as they chased me. This worked to our advantage as this was the side we would have to re-enter later on in the opening number.
The fall was successfully done, Danii mimed a punch towards my stomach and I fell to the grown scrunching my eyebrows together and opening my mouth making a gasp to show how Collins was in pain. I was then helped up and punched off after my coat was ripped off me . I think this worked better in the later performance because it was a lot quicker and kept that Dramatic exciting pace moving . In addition to this is think my re-entry was effective , I stumbled onto the stage holding my stomach .

When off cast I really enjoy being homeless. To show the persona of a stereotypical homeless drunk I would get up close and into the faces of the audience , also I would punch and shove other actors on stage . When moving around the stage I would have my hands in my pockets and look around being weary of trouble and other homeless people . When pushing people I would throw y arms up high to make my body open and look big to threaten . My eye line would be focused and my facial expressions would be big to show interaction with the other characters.

 All my movements when Collins is in pain where fast an sharp in reaction to pain. Also I would share my body weight with Max to show that Collins was unsteady within his balance . My posture was low when holding onto maxes arm again to show pain .

I  contributed my creative ideas for movement in Santa Fe .I felt that my movement in Santa Fe  was effective , I would click and sway interacting with the characters on the train to portray the easy going and chilled out persona Collins has . To improve this however I think I could of interacted more with Angel and maybe even with the characters on the train. At times I felt abit cramped but I focused on Mark and Roger too to show Collins was singing to his friends and loved ones dreaming of bigger things for them im the future.

Also with movement I think myself and Sophie worked really well together , we remembered all our dance routine whilst singing the challenging lyrics . To improve I think I could of been abit braver and stood on the table with Sophie , that may even helped with projecting my voice above the band . I had a lot of fun in this scene and I was proud to be a part of it . My extension was strong and posture was straight and upright . Also I showed excitement in my facial expressions by having a cheesy aimlessly and gesturing to people .

I would of liked my balance and extension to be better in La Vie Boheme especially when we where dancing in our pairs walking on the tables and chairs but I think thats a confidence issues. If i was more confident that I wasn't going to fall I could of concentrated on balance and extension more. I think this was the biggest weakness in my performances . To improve I think I would need to be more flexible when working on the chairs and tables thus helping my confidence and making the dance look stronger and neater overall.

However over all I think I used my posture well to express Collins emotions through out the show physically and through facial expressions . For example my posture in 'without you' as Angel is slowly dying was low and small . I would get into a smaller position the more and more he would get sicker. This was to represent the despair Collins was in . Also I thought this might represent  how Angel was disappearing into nothing, much like my posture .When angel had died I was in a ball on the floor .
Furthermore in La Vie Boheme my strengths where posture; I  was always up right and straight this was to show how Collins was confident and happy whilst being with his friends standing up to Benny. Also I think I had great strength during our pair phrases, I did well on holing Sophie up in a position whilst balancing her on my hips . It didn't look awkward and I didn't struggle. I had good stamina and energy in this dance considering I had to sing as well .

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