Thursday 19 May 2016

Dance Development

As you can see by the video above we have developed our devised piece further . In my opinion I feel that we have really have explore the verses within the poem to create a really rich visual movement piece . We have taken a lot of consideration as to how we are going to portray certain words within movement for example "your clean round the bend" we move in a swift carve in unison to represent the 'bend'. Also a personal favorite contribution is the "your bad breath vamps disease , destruction and decay" I really liked the idea of us all spreading out and becoming those words within our actions . I think we show the words well through our movement . I really in particular like my movement for 'destruction' and Dannii's  movement for 'decay' . I think we hold the position well and with great exaggeration. I also like that I 'become' destruction as the word is spoken I think this makes it clear to the audiences that we are the words coming to life into visual pictures. What I think we need to improve on again is our pace. We need to be faster , slicker and neater all at the same time to make this really fit together in a really smooth movement. Also I think we should come up with new movement for 'you put the shat in shatter' as this feels repetitive to 'like a recently disinfected shit house'. The squat is used twice and it may be better to change the move or only have two of us doing it?
Also I think we need to focus on memory of the piece and the pace does make it hard to remember. I always forget what the movement is for 'your certainly no raver' . Maybe we could change the move so it is really bold and memorable . A suggestion is that Dannii could hold her hand out to me for me to take as this would be a smooth and memorable transition .
In addition to this I think we need to be scratching ourselves as we are getting up for 'your like a dose of scabies' so there isn't just an awkward gap of us struggling to get up. This would fill the gap and make us look more confident within the dance.

Furthermore I think instead of Holly spinning me for 'people mention murder the moment you arrive' I think she should shove me with her shoulder and give me a disapproving facial expression as she walks past. This would fit in better with the words and look more menacing .

Overall I think we are working effectively as a team and work well when communicating our ideas and putting them together. 

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