Thursday 19 May 2016


I felt really confident and excited for the final performance of Rent , I was more nervous eat the 4:30 performance however I leant from mistakes and knew how to resolve issue to improve .  I was very happy with the stylised and choreographed 'beat up' which I contributed the idea of how Collins would be mugged  at the beginning of 'Rent' . My dialogue had just gone smoothly with Mark over the phone . I managed to reach the correct not for 'chestnuts roasting' when talking to mark over the phone .  I decide to have a friendly tone of voice becuase I would imagine Collins was happy to talk to mark . I expressed surprise through my shocked time of voice and higher pitch when Collins thinks roger has picked up the phone 'roger picked up the phone !?' . Then I changed to have a low pitch and stern tone on the line ' I may be detained' this worked well becuase it created tension , that line in its self foreshadows the events that follow . The beat up looked really effective , I was cornered and had a low posture when moving back towards an exit to show how Collins would of been feeling threatened and scared . Also the fall was successfully done, Danii mimed a punch towards my stomache and I fell to the grown scrunching my eyebrows togther and opening my mouth making a gasp to show how Collins was in pain. I was then helped up and punched off after my coat was ripped off me . I think this worked better in the later performance becuase it was a lot quicker and kept that Dramatic exciting pace moving . In addition to this is think my re-entry was effective , I stumbled onto the stage holding my stomache  . Also imbertween my lyrics "how do you stay on your feet when on every street it's trick or treat" I took a moment to look at some of the fighting phareses , this was to almost to demonstrate Collins point and to make him fearful on how unsafe he is in the rough streets of downtown New York . This was recognised in the 4:30 performance and I made a note to myself to do it in the last performance . Also what I thought was really suspenseful was dropping to the floor just before the lyrics "getting dizzy" it showed how Collins was feeling weak through emotional stress and physical pain .
When off cast I really enjoy being homeless. To show the persona of a stereotypical homeless drunk I would get up close and into the faces of the audience , also I would punch and shove other actors on stage . When moving around the stage I would have my hands in my pockets and look around being weary of trouble and other homeless people . When pushing people I would throw y arms up high to make my body open and look big to threaten . 

I felt that 'you ok honey' went really well in the final performance , myself and max took it slow to remain in key with eacother and in time with the music . Also It allowed some flirting to be shown through our dialogue "and I won't take no" this is important becuase I remember  one of our notes was that we needed to show a clearer relationship developing with Collins and Angel . Also to show the kind persona of Collins I would express little smiles to Angel and take time to look at her in awe . For example on the line " an angel indeed" there was a nice pause where I looked into maxes eyes to show flirtation and a sweet connecton . All my movements when Collins is in pain where fast an sharp in reaction to pain. Also I would share my body weight with Max to show that Collins was unsteady within his balance . My posture was low when holding onto maxes arm again to show pain . 

I really liked the beginning of 'today for you' with Mark and Roger as I feel especially with Mark their relationship was clear . I felt that Mark and Collins where close however there was a slight rift with Roger especially thought the line "oh hi after 7 months" . I would of liked to see Collins and Roger to get alot close pr through out the play and I think myself and James could of interacted further to show their friendship . Also i think I  showed a lot of the male mannerisms I tried to express in this scene especially when Angel arrives to sing. To show Collins is proud of her I would nudge the boys and point at her whilst smiling . Also I would be dancing around the flat with her , holding her hand and pointing at her with a cheesy grin. At times I do think me and max could improve our movement with eachother as sometimes I felt we didn't know where to stand and sometimes he'd go for my hand and I'd go to put my arm round him . Also I felt we could be very fidgety , so if I could improve this I would make soild directions and direct places to travel to in that scene. Having said that I do think the interation with Angel and Collins improved through out the performance . I would make a fuss of her to show how Collins was proud of her and excited by her presence . 

As a team I think we did so much better for 'will I' we all projected our voices to show the emotion and distress of having aids . However it was a beautiful but deadly connection we all had with eacother as characters. It moved me how we all mainted our harmonies . Or tone was longing , pining and our pitch was high . We all held hands to show the connection and I kept a sad and natural expression on my face through out to show the emotion and worry Collins has , not just for him but for Angel too . Myself and Angel held hands the hole time druing this song so show the deep connection and love they have fore eachother . I almost think I should of joined in with the boys when singing but I wanted to be able to project and add volume to the emus blue and the only way I could do that was but singing in a higher range to suit my vocal range . What I think could of improved this scene is that the homeless characters could of taken our chairs off as I felt this was too slow and broke the moment . 

Personally in my opinion I was very happy with Santa Fe . I made sure I took in enough breath to powerfully  project the lyrics to a high volume that had to reach above the band . Also I think I did well on maintaing an American accident through out the performance but most of all during the songs . I felt that my movement was effective , I would click and sway interacting with the characters on the train to portray the easy going and chilled out persona Collins has . To improve this however I think I could of interacted more with Angel and maybe even with the characters on the train. At times I felt abit cramped but I focused on Mark and Roger too to show Collins was singing to his friends and loved ones dreaming of bigger things for them im the future . Vocaly I think I really struggled with the line "do you know the way to Santa Fe" . I feel this becuase by this time in the song I was out of breath and always started at u nessiasry low note so it came across quite and I struggled to project and be loud. 

Compared to the 4:30 performance i think myself and Max really improve for I'll cover you the 4:30 permanent did not go as well we rushed the song and I did hear us slipping out of key with eacother . We took it slow and made sure we focused on the interaction and connection they both had with eacother . We wanted this scene to be very romantic and cheesy so there was a lot of staring into eacothers eyes and holding our hands on our chests . Vocally I think we did slip out of key slightly and I would of liked to work on this song a lot more if I had the chance to improve . However our projection was strong and our volume increased through the song . Also I think my gait was in a manly manner . My shoulders would be low and I'd have my hands in my pockets showing I was laid back and focusing on Angel in awe . When ever I'd sit down I would keep my legs open and when I was standing my hands would either be in my pockets or around Angel . 

I was personally really pleased with how La vie boheme turned out . I was thrilled that I remembered my dialogue which I performed with great projection however I think I some parts I could of been louder for example "anarchy , revelation , justic screaming for solution , forcing changes risk and dmager making noise and making pleases" . Also with movement I think myself and Sophie worked really well togther , we remembered all our dance routine whilst singing the challenging lyrics . To improve I think I could of been abit braver and stood on the table with Sophie , that may even helped with projecting my voice above the band . I had a lot of fun in this scene and I was proud to be a part of it . My extension was strong and posture was straight and upright . Also I showed excitement in my facial expressions by having a cheesy aimlessly and gesturing to people . 

In 'without you' myself and Max do a mimed almost split screen scene whilst mimi is singing . I think the levels at where I was standing by the bed worked really well, my posture would get more stooped and I would get lower the more Angel detiriorated. I started off standing at the end of the bed ever so often interacting with the nurses , becuase it is a personal touching journey for them too looking after a dying patience. Also I wanted to show that Collins was greatful for all support he could get , he's a sensitive soul . At the moment Angel died I was in bed with him holding his shirt and pulling him towards me whilst crying and shaking my head . Also when the nurses would move me away I'd push them away and try to get closer to angel to show Collins wasn't ready to let go . To then add more of adramatic effect and a sad shocking sight I collapsed to the floor in tears clutching Angels bag . I wanted to portray the deep sadness and sorrow and fear Collins had about loosing Angel . It brought me to tears just thinking about what he would be feeling and going through . To improve this scene I think Collins could of been escorted off the stage by either mark or Roger . 


I worked really hard vocaly for 'I'll cover you the reprise' I sung the whole song in a lower octive . It was really and challenge , but I felt good about it . My volume was quite on some occasions but to work with this problem I showed emotion to help compensate for the low volume . It word well and looked effective . In addition to that when I really needed to be loud my voice was strong and it did project. it was very touching and I felt a lot of emotion when singing it . To improve from the 4:30 performance I didn't take any of angles belongings up with me and ash felt it looked awkward and it help me to belt by clutching on to the rails . My body would physically help me push out with power . Also to show the hurt Collins was feeling I did cry to add effect and when the song finished I did out my head in my hands in relief and emotion . I wanted to portray Collins as touching and sensitive at this moment . I really enojed this part of the performance . However I did come on late for " you all said you'd be cool today" but It could be taken that I was letting there be a moment where I let the anger stettle before entering to bring the mood down to a more solum atmosphere . 

Overall I really enjoyed Rent. I felt that all relationships came togther and connected more in the 7:30 performance . Also I made a note to myself after the 4:30 show to improve elements In the later 7:30 like enter quicker for the bringing of today for you to give myself more time to get down the staris . I was learning as I was performing on the night . And will always have ways I should of and could of done things differently . Through this evaluation I think I have reconised what what went well for me and what I could work on and develop if I was to do Rent again . 


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