Friday 6 March 2015

Thursday 12 of February

In today's lesson we blocked the lift scene and the guards scene. The guards scene is a mixture of comic timing and pace. It was quite hard to keep the pace going when we didn't know our line's that accurately as it was our first blocking of this particular scene. Once the lines flow the characters can really reveal themselves in their true nature and manner.This lift scene is massively based around comic timing. In the lift scene im trying to communicate the emotion of embarrassment and awkwardness through my body language more then vocally in this scene . Its about being uncomfortably close to the other people in the lift.To do this i make my facial expressions of embarrassment highly exaggerated and i exaggerate the cramped , claustrophobic surrounding im in by uncomfortable folding my arms close to my chest and standing in a awkward position.Also gritting my teeth shows the discomfort Lisa is feeling. I did this because i want it to be so obvious to the audience that Lisa is uncomfortable in the most awkward way.I want it to be comical and i think doing exaggerated facial expressions and having closed body language with tight gestures will show the lack of personal space in this scene.

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