Friday 6 March 2015

10 Feb stage blocking and Victoria scene

In today's lesson as a class we discussed how we would like our staging to be laid out for the audience to get an internet look into our world of Dissocia. We.We decided on an end on production so the audience get a full view of the stage but interestingly have the stage blocks positioned around the out side of the stage in levels.
Also in today's lesson myself , Holly hos , Holly hop and Paris took it in terns as a cast to block the Victoria scene. I was really interesting to watch watch Holly Hos portray the persona of Lisa because it made me evaluate the comparisons and differences in the way I portray Lisa.It really useful to watch her way of performing because it makes me really think about how I can develop Lisa's persona and manners in my own way .
The hardest part for me as an actor is how to react to the crazy characteristics of Dissocia. It's to understand how Lisa should react to Victoria when she telling Lisa that she needs to go on a mission to retrieve her lost hour. Lisa at first seemingly normal is hesitant to open the door to Victoria. However through the scene she starts to trust Victoria and listen's to what she has to say , even believing her . Its hard to switch from a hesitant attitude to then Lisa ready to take part in a mission , in a new world to find a lost hour? Even though this may be a challenge for me , to over come it i play the part with very instinctive feelings. At first i show Lisa as a timid shy character by having her arms folded and head down . Then to seem interested she has her hand on her hips to show an open body language and her head up to show confidence . Her drastic change in emotion could be due to her disorder. The themes of the play are fantasy in act one and reality in act 2 . Two very opposite themes. So it will be a challenge to go from being very animated then to drained.

Here's a picture of the aesthetics of the staging. There will have to be alot of focus on the space we will have on the stage. We may have to consider working on the different levels of the staging or how we will bring the performance out.

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