Monday 16 March 2015

24th feb Status and Goat scene

In today's lessons we thought about character status through out the play. As Lisa; myself and Holly thought how Lisa status changes . With out Lisa there would be no world of Dissocia however when Lisa is in Dissocia the other characters change her seemingly high status.Everyone teamed up with their character in the other class and had to think about there status on a scale of 1-10 . One being low status and 10 being high. Myself and Holly decided that Lisa would come under a status of 5. We feel that she would change dramatically through out. For example Lisa is of a high status over all as it is her story , however her status in the lift scene could be portrayed as low because of how alien she is to the ways of the people of Dissocia.
After this warm up we blocked the goat scene . First Henry and Holly went then myself and Luke blocked it. It was interesting to see how Lisa would interact with the goat especially as the scene starts off with the Goat coming across as a low status character. In this scene switches from one extreme to another. By the end of this scene Lisa is faced with sexual assault. This was a challenge for myself and Luke to over come. We found it hard to act this scenario out on stage as well as give it the seriousness it needed. That is a scene where we will have to try more ways then one to make it look realistic and effective . 
My target for the next time we do this scene will to not stop mid flow and corpse out of character, I  will just carry this scene out until the end and see how me and Luke improvise together to make this work appropriately. 
My first interpretation of this scene is discomfort and threat. I think improvisation will really help during the blocking of this scene as it will help give the scene the raw feel it needs. 

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