Friday 12 February 2016

classical audition evaluation

For my audition I chose to do Shaskspears Macbeth's monologue from act 5 scene 5  when he finds that Lady Macbeth has died . One of the questions was why did you chose that particular monoluge?  I chose to do this monoluge becuase it is one of my favourite classical pieces . In addition to that I studied Macbeth at an english GCSE level so I have knowledge and understanding of the polt and characters . Also this helps as I have a good understanding and interpretation of the poetic dialogue. Furthermore this helped when expressing emotion and knowing when it was appropriate to show emotion . Furthermore  I acted out the Macbeth witches monoluge for my GCSE final drama practical exam . I felt that the audition went well . I was professional and took time to compose myself before I started my monoluge , yet I made the audition personal to me . For example when I was asked what I know about Dr. Faustus I expressed my findings that I had researched but also made a connection with the film 'Bedazzled' . This is a Hollywood film that has a modern take on Faustus and links in with the fact that we are going to be basing this classical play in a modern stylised night club . Also I expressed that I'd like to play the character Mephestophilies . This is because I feel that the villeins in play safety's most interesting and complex characters . They cause the conflict within a play and their superobjective is to have or gain the most power and be in total control . They are usually manipulative and scary . I also suggested playing Lucifer but I'd ideally like Mephestophilies. 

Overall I think my audition went well becuase I remembered all my line without looking at the script and also I expressed emotion thrrought out the male cast piece . I expressed emotion in the appropriate areas of the monoluge and showed a good understand of the play and showed evidence of my own research . Also I was open to playing a male part and suggest more then one part I'd be happy to play.

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