Thursday 25 February 2016

25th Feb Opening chorus

In today's lesson we where introduced to a website called Pintrest. On Pintrest you can share an image to your page and people can follow your and see your images. The idea behind it was to show our ideas on how our own interpretation of a club concept version of Faustus would look through visual stimuli. This way we can share images of prop ideas , staging ideas and costume ideas for the whole cast to see . Hopefully the end result will show a clear process of our idea development and through process. We then explored the opening scene and entering onto the stage. We all started at different points of the stage some coming in from the crowds. We developed the idea of it being set in a club by dancing while entering. We had stages of dance, first we started off in a trance-like state and then when we are all on we broke into a manic moshpit like style . When each group came on to read their chorus section we all froze in a freeze frame , holding our dance pose. I'm in a group with Paige and Georgia this is the section we have to read out (Insert photo here)

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