Thursday 25 February 2016

25th Feb Opening chorus

In today's lesson we where introduced to a website called Pintrest. On Pintrest you can share an image to your page and people can follow your and see your images. The idea behind it was to show our ideas on how our own interpretation of a club concept version of Faustus would look through visual stimuli. This way we can share images of prop ideas , staging ideas and costume ideas for the whole cast to see . Hopefully the end result will show a clear process of our idea development and through process. We then explored the opening scene and entering onto the stage. We all started at different points of the stage some coming in from the crowds. We developed the idea of it being set in a club by dancing while entering. We had stages of dance, first we started off in a trance-like state and then when we are all on we broke into a manic moshpit like style . When each group came on to read their chorus section we all froze in a freeze frame , holding our dance pose. I'm in a group with Paige and Georgia this is the section we have to read out (Insert photo here)

First Lesson Introduction to Dr.Faustus

Today we had our first introduction to Faustus . We had a discussion on what key themes fit with the story . E.g. I put forward the words 'ambition' 'greed' 'arrogance' 'betrayal' 'anguish' . Also we discussed how the plays social themes would be relative to an audience today . Personally I think that Faustus connections a lot with my generation . It may be a totally bizarre and deep way of looking at it , but i think our generation wants it all and are prepared to do crazy things just for popularity  and we aren't thankful enough for what we have already much like Faustus he always wants more and does something stupid to get it (sells his soul!) . Also I think it relates to a lot of political affairs in our day an age. For example radicalization and extremists wanting more and more power , exploiting it and using religion much like Faustus does. But even simple emotions and topics effect us now much as they did in the day and age of Faustus . For example we all want to be ambitious but we doubt ourselves and fear things in the future and over look the present.

We then went on to write up a time line of events in Faustus in order. We all shared what we new of Faustus in our groups so we could write the timeline collaboratively. It really helps  to have the scenes written up in order with a brief over of what happens in that act / scene because then you have a better idea of how time changes through out the play .Also it helps to see the relationship between Faustus and Mephistopheles and how it changes over time and through old age.

After this in our groups we got a half of the play which we had to speed run . Our group got the last half of the play . We used freeze frame and physical theater to portray what key event was happening in that scene . For example when one of the servants was cursed by Mephistopheles I stepped behind him using my fingers as horns coming out of the side of his head . Also to symbolise Faustus going to hell we covered Paige in red cloth as she lay down as red has connotations of danger , anger, warning and hell. Our group approached this is a more traditional way in contrast to the other group who used the Club concept we are going to adapt Faustus into. I like the challenge of doing Faustus in a new original concept but personally I would of loved to do it in traditionally atier , with red devils and the black magic! I love a dark , mysterious play and I think the club concept will make it light heated and not as powerful and frightening however i'm excited to see how it turns out !

Mephistopheles character research and Faustus research

Mephistopheles and Faust, in 'Faust' by W. G. Wells, by William Henry Margetson. 1885. From <a href="" target="_blank"> BBC Arts</a>MEPHISTOPHELES

Mephistopheles is a name of one of the chief demons of Christian mythology . The name is frequently used as an alternative form of Satan or the Devil. He was first demon to join with Lucifer during the rebellion against God at the beginning of time "fallen angel". Mephistopheles hated the humans , he was jealous and envious of them. He is not mentioned in the bible but there are extra biblical texts that refer to him. In exchange for Mephistopheles loyalty to Lucifer, Lucifer granted him power in hell appointing him his second-in-command or his right hand man! However some people believe that Mephistopheles actually helped god create the universe. He is also known for creating and designing the orca whales, seals, and a few other ocean mammals typically working with a fellow angel named Cerenus.

Mephistopheles is portrayed in the tale of Dr.Faustus in Christopher Marlowe‘s play from the 1590's. He is sent by the devil to assist Faustus in what ever he desires in exchange for his soul. He watches over and guides Faustus . I feel that he is a creepy ominous character who is judgmental yet still has a likeness to Faustus, I think he may like how Faustus has a yearning for power and is courageous in that sense. Faustus may remind Mephistopheles of a younger version of himself .  

Website used for research :

Friday 12 February 2016

classical audition evaluation

For my audition I chose to do Shaskspears Macbeth's monologue from act 5 scene 5  when he finds that Lady Macbeth has died . One of the questions was why did you chose that particular monoluge?  I chose to do this monoluge becuase it is one of my favourite classical pieces . In addition to that I studied Macbeth at an english GCSE level so I have knowledge and understanding of the polt and characters . Also this helps as I have a good understanding and interpretation of the poetic dialogue. Furthermore this helped when expressing emotion and knowing when it was appropriate to show emotion . Furthermore  I acted out the Macbeth witches monoluge for my GCSE final drama practical exam . I felt that the audition went well . I was professional and took time to compose myself before I started my monoluge , yet I made the audition personal to me . For example when I was asked what I know about Dr. Faustus I expressed my findings that I had researched but also made a connection with the film 'Bedazzled' . This is a Hollywood film that has a modern take on Faustus and links in with the fact that we are going to be basing this classical play in a modern stylised night club . Also I expressed that I'd like to play the character Mephestophilies . This is because I feel that the villeins in play safety's most interesting and complex characters . They cause the conflict within a play and their superobjective is to have or gain the most power and be in total control . They are usually manipulative and scary . I also suggested playing Lucifer but I'd ideally like Mephestophilies. 

Overall I think my audition went well becuase I remembered all my line without looking at the script and also I expressed emotion thrrought out the male cast piece . I expressed emotion in the appropriate areas of the monoluge and showed a good understand of the play and showed evidence of my own research . Also I was open to playing a male part and suggest more then one part I'd be happy to play.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Presentation on The Rainbow Theatre and The National Theatre.

Here is a link to mine and Maxes presentation on The Rainbow Theatre and the National Theatre. We did some research on how they work with other companies and how they run as a company.

Friday 5 February 2016

19th Jan a full run

Today we had a full run start to finish with no stopping  and with the band . Also we where all in costume and make up . I think for a full run we did really well . The only thing I think could of been improved is the transitions in stanta fe . I feel that the chairs came on too slowly and I start the song before everyone is sitting down and also it can get quite cramped when the phrases start their routine . When I'm off cast playing a homeless person I allocate two chairs to be in charge of and I bring them on in a stylised manner  to create a  physical  theatre ambience when creating the train. I also do this for La vie boheme . Also I feel a lot more confident in the orders of the scene and the time I have to get changed before I'm on again . I also now have a better understanding of the changing relationships within the play and how that effects the characters .  In addition to this I feel a lot better with 'I'll cover you' duet . Our spacing and proxemics are more direct , slow and smooth therefore giving me more chance to take in a big breath and not to run out of breath . This defiantly gives me more chance to focus on how Collins is reacting to Angel . I feel there is an easier and real connection between them now . Before I think because of the speed of the song we lost out in building their relationship because as actors we where focused more on the traveling and staying in key when out of breath . Finally I am really happy with how La vie boheme is coming along . I reached my target and remembered all lyrics and came back strong if I muddle them up . Also I feel a lot more confident with singing and dancing at the same time now . Before that was always a challenging multitask but I feel I have become more successful in that area of movement . I feel confident with the routine myself and Sophie do how ever i do worry about the spacing as there isn't much room for me and Sophie to do our lift. Also I am very pleased with how angels deaths scene has developed . I think using the levels to show Angels deterioration is clever and brings a dramatic serious tone to the scene. Also the interaction with the nurses makes the scene more personal and realistic . The more the characters connect with people the more upsetting the death . The audience should feel great sympathy .

My final targets to myself that I have recognised I need to improve and make a note of is that for 'will i' I need to sing with the girls because my vocal range cannot reach as low as the boys so I'm going to sing where I feel comfortable and where I can project volume . Also to wait until all the chairs are in place for Santa Fe . Also for I'll cover you reprise I'm not going to take any of Angels objects up with me because I think she holding the rails to sing helps me belt and project because my body is physically  pushing my voice out higher and further.

Friday 15th Jan

Today we rehearses act 1 and act 2 up to seasons of love B . What I think went well is the opening song rent , we have worked on the 'aggressive' street choreography . The phareses look a lot better now and less messy . It now looks like we have more of a perpouse and a strong sense of direction when travelling across he stage to interact with the homeless actors hanging around . My suggestion of the phareses freezing when there is certain dialogue being spoken within the song looks effective. The freeze breaks up the dance an adds dramatic effective when the actors all start moving again when the music come in loudly and excitedly . Also I think 'you ok honey' has improved . We are a lot more in time with the music however to develop and improve further myself , max and ash still need to slow down our singing as it can sometimes sound rushed . For example the first line 'you ok honey' can be rushed and then make the whole song out of time . To avoid this I think I will just make a pause and wait for the music if that line is rushed to get back in time with the band . Also what I think that needs improvement personally for me my dialogue in 'la vie boheme' the lines I struggle with It's  ' in honour of the death of Bohemia a imprumtu salon will commence immediatly following dinner" . Also I find  " angel dumontshunard will model the lastest fall fashion from pari while accompany herself with a 10 gallon plastic pickle tube". I think more then anything it's a tounge twister to say especially 'plastic pickle tube' because of the 'p's' . In addition to that I find the lyrics Collins and Maureen sing 'anarchy , revoulotion , justice screaming for solution forcing changes risk and danger making noise and making pleases' . What I find so challenging is is the speed those lyrics have to be sung at .

Thursday 4 February 2016

Thurs 14th Jan

For this run of act 2 I was off cast , we thought we'd let the other cast pick up from where they left off . I think I do well as a 'homelss extra' I know jingle bells and it's layout a lot better and clearer now . What really lets down the 'street/homelss' scenes at this point is that the year 12's aren't confident on the lyrics .  It needs a lot more power and anger to build it up and make it strong . At the moment it looks messy and people look like they don't know what their doing . However the Homeless hanging round in their shelters look really effective (especially) in the opening song 'Rent' . Also the red flickering light looks really convincing as a fire . The homeless also really help build up Maureen's protest . Having everyone there shouting and participating helps add and build the atmosphere . It also looks really busy and powerful on the stage . Also being an extra really helps bring certain scenes alive with an outdoor 'street' feel . It makes the stage look like a busy street when the homeless interact with the main cast .

8th of Jan production roles and after college rehearsal

Today we started off with our production rolls . I am part of the costume department . I was in charge for getting costume shorted for myself and ashely 'Collins' and to help people with an extra character to think of . That involved shorting out the costume rail out and ladling everyone's hangers with suggested or definet costume . For Collins I had 3 accessories to show that time was changing and Collins was dressed for different days. In addition to that I filled out a sheet showing what costume I needed for what scene to show time shifting . This also really helps becuase it clearly showed me when I had time to change . For example I had 3 beenie hats , a red, grey and black one . 3 differnt checkered shirts. And 3 coats including a black blazer for 'James bond' - New year scene . I also think for myself I should have stubble to fully get into character and to make it clear to the audience im playing a male character . In my opinion I think it's best to act fully male at every opportunity . There's not point in trying to portary a different character if your not prepared to commit to it. 

My costume organisation sheet . 

After college we aimed to do a full run of rent . It was the first time we had done a run through with the band . My cast where off cast playing 'the homelss'  . In my opinion act 1 is the longest 'in speed' and lowest 'in energy' . It's really hard to pick up the pace and get into the flow of it . It was an unsuccessful rehearsal in my option as we had planed to do a whole run , however i appriciate that the band have never had ago at playing to our pace . We did have too keep stopping and starting again . But that is the whole point of a rehearsal it's too see what's going well and what isn't . Again I think I'll cover you need some work because we found a new problem within the song , it's a lot slower them max , Ashley and myself originally thought . However this helped me greatly because it resolved my problem of feeling like I wasn't getting enough breaths in before singing . I know have more time to breath in and have breath control . Also this means our moment is now a lot slower . I think this will be easier to work with because we will be able to make travelling across the stage neater and more direct. This may also help the soft  romantic atmosphere we want the song to have . Also we discover that in "you ok honey" max has a music que of 2 rounds of drums beating before staring the song. This will help as we won't have to find a convenient time to fit in the music , it lets us know when to begin and I think this will help develop better timing within the song .