Friday 18 September 2015

evaluation of Rent audition

Overall I feel as though I did well in my audition and under pressure . I prepared well in order to portray the emotion in the song 'out tonight' . I  knew all the lines and felt confident that I could move about the stage to bring the audition to life.
I feel as though my west side story song wasn't as good because I stopped on the third verse where I fell nerves got to me. I feel that I could of been a lot calmer before my audition as I think I panicked myself on how my voice sounded during the song and that put me off.
The preparation and research I did on the characters Mimi and Anita really helped me when singing their songs. I felt that I knew the key mannerisms  of the characters so that really helped when portraying emotions in the song . Also I felt that  I portrayed Anitas accent well when singing 'a boy like that'. To improve I think I  could invested more time into 'a boy like that' because it would of helped me get back  on track when I stopped because of nerves .
I really think the whole audition in general will help me in further life because it gives me experience in different aspects of the audition process . Also it gives me confidence in myself and builds my self esteem up when singing in front of  people  . Furthermore I can learn from this and know what to do next time.

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