Wednesday 23 September 2015


Whats the difference between HIV and AIDS ?


HIV is the virus that can then develop into AIDS. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The name describes the virus its self: it infects humans only and it attacks the immune system, rendering it deficient and unable to work as effectively as it should.  

Unlike many other viruses such as the common cold , our immune systems are unable to attack and completely clear out HIV. However medical research as increased increasing the life span of those with HIV and AIDS . AIDS stands for  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.AIDS develops when HIV has really broken down the immune system. Symptoms of AIDS is not being able to fight the infections that AIDS brings on such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, certain types of cancer, and other infections.
 HIV virus is transmitted from one person to another through the exchange of bodily fluids.  Common infection occurs when HIV is transmitted through unprotected sex or through  contaminated needles. Less commonly, you can become infected with HIV through a tainted blood transfusion or a mother can pass the infection to her child during pregnancy. HIV does not always come with recognizable symptoms . It usually brings on flu like symptoms for 2-4 weeks after you have been infected by HIV. The immune system can fight off these flu like symptoms for years but cant get rid of the HIV infection . Once HIV has developed into AIDS all flu like symptoms and other symptoms will take effect and break down the immune system making the carrier feel extremely  unwell . HIV can be tested by a simple blood test that is then taken to a lab to be looked at. You can get tested for HIV in your local surgery or sexual health clinic . AIDS is tested through cell counts . When a carrier has low T cells they are consider to have developed AIDS .

Starving artist
A  Starving artist is an artist who puts their work before their own well being . They make sacrifices in order to focus on their profession. They stereotypically live on low income this could be due to lack of business or because  they are putting all their earnings into their projects.

Homelessness can be caused by many factors . Usually it is down to the persons own background history and situations . It could be because their friends and family cant afford to accommodate them , relationships break down leaving people besides themselves and losing failure to maintain or find a job.
  • unemployment
  • poverty
  • a lack of affordable housing
  • housing policies
  • the structure and administration of housing benefit
  • wider policy developments, such as the closure of long-stay psychiatric hospitals.
  • Prison
  • Drugs 
  • Gambling 
For a lot of homeless people, there's no single event that results in sudden homelessness.  Homelessness is more then likely due  to a number of unresolved problems building up over time . 

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