Wednesday 30 September 2015

Drama unit 1 25th september

At the start of this Lesson we did a speed run through the 2nd act of Rent . I found it challenging because its hard to sum up key events quickly and decide what elements are the most important  however I did find it very helpful . I feel as though I have a better understanding of the order of the scenes in the 2nd act . Also I have a better understanding of the order of the songs which really help me understand the overall pattern and order of the plot. Furthermore I gained an understanding of how much Collins loves his friends and relies on them to make him happy through life especially when times are tough for example his love Angels death. In addition to that I gained an understanding of how quickly Collins life changes in 2 years  from losing his job , to meeting angel , to her death to getting a new job and moving forward in life. This has helped me understand Collins love for the people around him and his strength and willingness to do well.   He grows strong as a person . He can endure being beaten by gangs and yet still find good in the world. He finds his love angle and to loosing her .Collins lives life as though every day is his last .


We have decided to have our stage in the lay out in Immersive , this means we incorporate the audience into our performance space. Futhermore this means we will breaking the 4th wall . 

Also we have been assigned to work with the relevant people for a solid hour working on songs we are not that confident with . Ashley , Max and Myself have arranged to meet Wednesday 11-12 to g over songs we find challenging. 

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