Monday 25 January 2016

Audition preparation and evaluation

Firstly to be at the best standard of proffessionalisum you can be you need to start with a good audition check list .

  • Research the play and writer this will give you additional knowledge on the background of the play and characters, also this will help you prepare for any questions asked by the casting director and make you look professional and interested in the text / script . Furthermore this shows enthusiasm and dedication. 
  • Get a good night sleep before the audition- worrying makes the nerves worse . You want to have a clear and focused mind set to help when memorising lines .
  • Practice the text you have been given every day leading up to the audition, if you remember all of your lines this will look impressive and professional . 
  • When In the waiting room for your audition don't take the waiting as a moment to socialise use your time to go over any dialogue you struggle with , or sit quietly to clam yourself . You could even have a quick scan of the plays synopsis and the writer . 
  • Don't tell the casting director that you are nervous they know that already just take a moment to compose yourself before beginning a monologue or chosen text for the audition. They will see this as professional and that you are taking time to get into character.
  • Don't panic if you forget some dialogue just carry on smoothly and calmly , it's understandable that nerves can make your mind go blank . 
  • Always look into the character of the text your reading , the play and play write it's likely you will be asked questions . 

I think I did well in my Rent audition , I showed a powerful vocal range when singing the song 'out tonight'. To prepare for this audition I listened to the song every day to get the lyrics in my head. Also I re searched the back ground story of rent and the characters . I learned from my re search that Rent is a rock opera , so most of the dialogue would be sung . Also when singing the song I acted sassy and confident to portray the character 'Mimi' i strutted around the stage making it look like my territory . Although I didn't get the part I additionally went for I still got a main part and a character I grew to love in the developing rehearsal proses. 

Personally I think a BA Hons degree course would be most suited to me in the field of acting . My main strength is acting . In musical theatre it is best to have a variety skill set . For example you may be required to sing a solo or be part of an ensemble. Furthermore you may have to dance in some dance routines or phrases. I think because of my skill to be able to portary and develop characterisation and my singing that I do like to do and practise I would be more suited to an acting course . In musical theatre you are pushed to work in all areas - acting , singing and dance. I do think I work to a great standard in musical theatre and I try my best when co operating and taking part in productions , however I think drama would be more suited to me as one of my weaknesses is dance . To do a musical theatre and acting course you have to be dedicated and enthusiastic , patient and flexible with time . When your part of a team you can't let others down . You are just as responsible as anyone els to make the production work . 

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