Tuesday 15 December 2015

Unit 1 Drama 3rd Durrington evaluation

What adaptions have we made to accomadate the performance space and timings for Durrington ?
The room was alot smaller and cramped compared to our theatre space . To make adaptions in songs we stood in a cresent formation so the audience who all be able to see our faces . This also meant we had better oppertuinty to project and have a clear focus point . Also Santa Fe was quite close together but we magnaged to still still make it look effective . Also if there wasnt enough room to do our chair duets we would just proffesionally carry on with our stylised pedestrian movement .

What is the audience reaction?
The audience reaction was what I expected they found parts funny for example " they say I have the best ass.." in light my candle. They looked serious and kept silent in one song glory , becuase james successfully made the song very depressing yet powerful.

What do we want them to understand from our performnace and the songs ?
We want them to get a sence of the poverty the charcters live in and the dreams they have . Also we would like to see who's in a relationship with who and a little over view of the character .

Reflection of the performance (worthing high)

I think my perfoemance went well generlly in the ensombles and my main song Santa Fe . I projected well in the enviroment of a small class room and had good engaging facial expression to reflext the emtions in the songs . Santa Fe went really well every one did well on their chair duets considering thr space . Also I think I did well to no let my nerves get the better of me . I was clear , loud and confident . My interaction with the charcters in the train was good and sper of the moment , it gave the piece diversity . The only thing I feel that didn't go well was the last lines "do you know the way to Santa Fe ?"
I didn't take a big enough breath and I was out of breath anyway so those lryics weren't as clear as I would of liked them to be and I went really low in key it didn't sound right . To improve that I will remember to take a big breath bfore those lines .

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