Tuesday 15 December 2015

4th December Drama songs in the flat

Songs all based in Mark and Rogers flat;

Page 1- Tune up 1
Page 3- Tne up 2
Page 6- Rent
Page 11- Tune up 3
Page 11- One song
Page 12 - Light my candle
Page 17- today for you
Page 19 - you'll see boys
Page 25- life support
Page 28 - another day
Page 57 - Happy new year B
Page 65- seasons of love B
Page 74 - what you own

What I'd like to work on in the opening song Rent as well as it needing to be alot more chaotic and busy , I'd like some attenchion on both Collins and Joann . For example when Joann has her dialouge on the phone I think all the chaos on the stage should either slow down into 'slow-motion' or freeze completely . That gives a chance for Jonna to have a podium to really show facial expression and characterisation.
In addition to that I'd like to work on the scene where Collins is betan up . I think we need an organised sequence to get from one side of the stage to the other , we can work on this work Kat . We could have group of people surronding Collins and miming kicking and punching , someone could steal his coat and even push him to the ground . This could happen in the middele of the stage to help Collins be seen as its an important part of the context and how gay people where treated on the streets .
This could then give an excuse for someone on the side as a homeless person to get on stage and help Collins to upstage where Angel finds him.

For today for you tomorrow for me I think there needs to be alot more intereaction with Mark , Collins and Roger . I think Mark and Roger could be congratulating and teasing Collins when Angel is dancing and singing . Also I think Mark and Roger need to make more of a fuss on what Collins is bringing them (the food , bree , ciggarettes ect) . Futhermore I think Mark can be even more suprised and happy at Collins arrivel .
In addition to this I think Angel can teas the boys more as she is parading around the living room .

What I'd also like to work on is the little bit of dialouge Collins has before La Vie Boheme .

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