Thursday 17 December 2015

My Final presentation

Overall I think I would have a successful small sale theater and pitched a fair idea . What I thought worked really well as the Idea of getting Amnesty International as my sponsor. They work with companies such as Equity and also link really well into the play 'Someone who'll watch over me' story of 3 wrongfully imprisoned men. Furthermore I though this would  give them great opportunity to raise awareness and raise money for their charity . What I think I needed to improve was my understanding of the budget form and how it worked I would of liked to be more confident on the profits I would make . Also I think I needed to be more realistic with my budget as i set my self a low one of £1,000. However I thought my presentation was good and I conveyed my ideas clearly and showed that they where well thought out and researched.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Unit 1 Drama 3rd Durrington evaluation

What adaptions have we made to accomadate the performance space and timings for Durrington ?
The room was alot smaller and cramped compared to our theatre space . To make adaptions in songs we stood in a cresent formation so the audience who all be able to see our faces . This also meant we had better oppertuinty to project and have a clear focus point . Also Santa Fe was quite close together but we magnaged to still still make it look effective . Also if there wasnt enough room to do our chair duets we would just proffesionally carry on with our stylised pedestrian movement .

What is the audience reaction?
The audience reaction was what I expected they found parts funny for example " they say I have the best ass.." in light my candle. They looked serious and kept silent in one song glory , becuase james successfully made the song very depressing yet powerful.

What do we want them to understand from our performnace and the songs ?
We want them to get a sence of the poverty the charcters live in and the dreams they have . Also we would like to see who's in a relationship with who and a little over view of the character .

Reflection of the performance (worthing high)

I think my perfoemance went well generlly in the ensombles and my main song Santa Fe . I projected well in the enviroment of a small class room and had good engaging facial expression to reflext the emtions in the songs . Santa Fe went really well every one did well on their chair duets considering thr space . Also I think I did well to no let my nerves get the better of me . I was clear , loud and confident . My interaction with the charcters in the train was good and sper of the moment , it gave the piece diversity . The only thing I feel that didn't go well was the last lines "do you know the way to Santa Fe ?"
I didn't take a big enough breath and I was out of breath anyway so those lryics weren't as clear as I would of liked them to be and I went really low in key it didn't sound right . To improve that I will remember to take a big breath bfore those lines .

4th December Drama songs in the flat

Songs all based in Mark and Rogers flat;

Page 1- Tune up 1
Page 3- Tne up 2
Page 6- Rent
Page 11- Tune up 3
Page 11- One song
Page 12 - Light my candle
Page 17- today for you
Page 19 - you'll see boys
Page 25- life support
Page 28 - another day
Page 57 - Happy new year B
Page 65- seasons of love B
Page 74 - what you own

What I'd like to work on in the opening song Rent as well as it needing to be alot more chaotic and busy , I'd like some attenchion on both Collins and Joann . For example when Joann has her dialouge on the phone I think all the chaos on the stage should either slow down into 'slow-motion' or freeze completely . That gives a chance for Jonna to have a podium to really show facial expression and characterisation.
In addition to that I'd like to work on the scene where Collins is betan up . I think we need an organised sequence to get from one side of the stage to the other , we can work on this work Kat . We could have group of people surronding Collins and miming kicking and punching , someone could steal his coat and even push him to the ground . This could happen in the middele of the stage to help Collins be seen as its an important part of the context and how gay people where treated on the streets .
This could then give an excuse for someone on the side as a homeless person to get on stage and help Collins to upstage where Angel finds him.

For today for you tomorrow for me I think there needs to be alot more intereaction with Mark , Collins and Roger . I think Mark and Roger could be congratulating and teasing Collins when Angel is dancing and singing . Also I think Mark and Roger need to make more of a fuss on what Collins is bringing them (the food , bree , ciggarettes ect) . Futhermore I think Mark can be even more suprised and happy at Collins arrivel .
In addition to this I think Angel can teas the boys more as she is parading around the living room .

What I'd also like to work on is the little bit of dialouge Collins has before La Vie Boheme .


RENT The Musical
By; Alex W

Rock Opera
The Plot
This rock opera based on Pucini's La Boheme ,tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling with poverty , unemployment and money  in modern day East Village New York. The story centers around Mark a film maker and Roger a musican and song writer , two roommates. While the tragedy of loosing his girlfriend to suicide Roger is numb to life. Mark tries to capture it through his attempts to make a film. In the year that follows, the group deals with love, loss, AIDS, and modern day life in a truly powerful and boheminan story.
I play the part of Tom Collins the life of the party  , a gay computer-age philosipher who lectures at a university . He is fired by the head of the university for his Boheminan views that he preaches to the university students. He suffers from A.I.DS and often does the occasinal drug here and there. When he is on the way to his old room mates appartment he is betean up for the fact that he is gay . He meets a charcter called Angel who is a gay drag queen , she helps him back to health and becomes part of the alphabet city gang . Sadly Collins looses Angel to A.I.DS before her time. She showed the group love and kindness and picked Collins up from a very dark place in his life . He dosen't let her death stop him , if she tought him anything its to carry on in life happy and with love . He gets a new job and has the compassion and kindess of his friends who will always be there for him.

26th november Rent

Self evaluation

Things to improve
  •  Dialouge/vocal sung performances
  •  characterisation in Today for you tomorrow for me
  • Dance performance
How I can improve them
  • I could work on maintaning my accent - In I'll cover you reprise  ; the deep voice and low notes
  • My movement in today for you tomorrow for me could be spaced more appropreatly and I think Collins needs more interaction with Mark and Roger in the flat when Angel is dancing
  • I  feel as though I could be more confident with the dance pharses , so I will rehears and practise them

19th Drama uit 1

Today we covered 'good bye love' and 'I'll cover you' the reprise . It was benficial for me to do I'll cover you with the rest of the cast becuase it helped be with the tune and speed of the song. Also it was helpful to do it with everyone so I could get a sense of how it would actually sound in the performance. Futhermore it awlays helps to see how Ashley interprits the songs because we can see the differnce between how we portray emotion through our personas.
All I think we need to do with the song now is block the lay out and proxemics , and get a good idea of how we ca use the stage space affectively.
My target to improve nex time would be to really belt out the lyrics 'but sweet kisses I've got to spare , I'll be there and I'll cover you' these are personally very hard lyrics for me to sing with out going to low or going out of character and being to high with the notes.

Friday 4 December 2015

20th November Filming the scenes

We are creating a mini movie to show on a projector in the show of Rent of the lives of the characters over a year . Mark is the creator of the film in rent  but we have all helped and contributed and tried to make the movie look spontaneous and natural to represent different periods of time over a year . I think this mini film is really needed to give the play a reflective mood and to also show Marks success .It enthasizes the lives of the characters and gives the audience a window to look through into their lives .  We went to different areas of the college to show a variety of back grounds and settings . We played our characters and our off cast characters to for example I played a homeless person in a number of different environments.

Myself as an off cast extra - Homeless person.
Luke Scattergoods scheduled for the filming.

Unit 50 Mind map