Thursday 28 April 2016

Classical Audtion

Classical Audition
I  think the monoluge I choose to do for my classical audtion was a good choice . I chose macbeth act 5 scene 5 by shakespear . I used it to my advantage as I used this monoluge for all my other classical audtions at drama schools . This meant that I knew the piece really well and its context . This monoluge is when Macbeth finds out the news that his wife is dead and he is falling into insanity. It worked well with the character that I would of ideally wanted to play in Faustuas (Mephistophiles) . The characters of macbeth and Mephistophiles link well as they are omminous and have a sinister personality. I think the audition went well, I gave myself a moment to compose and take a breath . I thought about what Macbeth was trying to convey in his speech and what he may of been feeling . My stance was strong and still when giving the speech and also my posture was stright to make myself look tall and towering. I lowered my tone of voice and spoke loudly and clearly . I think this showed Macbeths persona to a good standard and it also showed that I could deal with the complex language . When being questioned on the play I had done my research and had a keen understanding of play and its themes . I had also looked into the character of Mephistophiles and expained how I loved palying the villain as I feel its more diverse, interesting and complex. The Villan always has a superobjective and that usually makes the plot twist and casues the conflict which is the peak of dramatic tension. I was very happy to recive the part of Mephistophiles therefor thought I'd used my time more wisely in this audtion compared to the Rent and West Side Story audtion.

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