Thursday 20 November 2014

Homework Breif

1. The Witch is effect by the context of the play becuase she is a villan, and is a stop character in all fairy tales. She has a stereotypical persona and is expected to live up to the classic mean , curel, scary enchanteress.
2.Our play Into The Woods fits in perfectly with the musical genre becuase it has equal dialouge and musical numbers.It also has the pridictable stoy line of a problem that the good characters have to overcome by defiting something evil.
3.Persoanly I would say the scene I am last confident on is scene 4. Therefore I think that will be the dialouge I will rehearse the most.
4.I would say that I am always a supportive member of any cast and will help anyone with songs or lines if they need honest advice.
5.I would most definatly say I have developed alot of confidence skills. Since joning college I would have never had any cofidenced singing in front of anyone , but once I had to audition within a week of stsrating college I thoght it was great practise to get used to being put on the spot and to be challenged.
6.I would say I've approached the tone and pitch of the character (Witch) appropreatly. I think the Witch has a high voice which sounds very cakerly. I thought I would go full out with the sterotyipical witch as the audience will relate to this kind of stop charatcter and this will make the performance for them a more fun, understanding and humours performance . I would say the Witches movements and gestuers are slow and entrancing. She will have some harsh moves especially when she arguing with Rapunzel but even then in the song Stay With Me she is trying to be seducing and hyipnotic.
7. I can say very confidently that my attendence has been very good. I always make an effort to be on time to rehersals . Stay at out of hours rehearsals for as long as I can . I know I always bring 100% of my energy to every performcance. My attitude is you either go full out or there is not point doing it . I think its very important to give everything your best shot, you should show people your potenical and positive attitude.
8.I would say im doing well on learning my lines considering i have 2 songs to learn alongside dialouge. I just need to rehearse and practice scene 4 as i am lacking some confidence in knowing that section of the play.
9.  I always keep notes on how im doing becuase i think its important to understand what went well in  a rehearsal and what i need  to come away thinking about improving. To show how we have blocked certian scenes i will be soon be uploading photos of the notes i have made around me lines. I think this is a good idea to show because is shows that i am paying close attenchion to what im thinking and developing about my character.Also it shows im analysing key elements of the performance for example, ques, entrances and exits , gestures, stage directions and personal staging notes.

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