Thursday 22 October 2015

Dance 9th October La Vie Bohem

In this dance rehearsal we had a run through of La Vie Bohem and recognised what our weak points where within the dance and what our strong points where . I think my strong points have been working with Sophie on the little duets we perform together. And my characterisation of Collins when dancing . What I need to work on is travelling in time and also the multi task of singing and dancing . In my opinion I have developed as a dancer in La Vie Bohme and I think the energy of the song helps my character portray his views . To develop the dance I think myself and max as Collins and Angel should have a strong positions with a humorous element for the line 'Brothers'.

We also showed Kat our work with the chair duets .And she helped myself and Max with some movements we could incorporate into our dance . For example we had some turns , skipping and swaying with each other.
WWW; My interaction with mark and roger improved as I feels as though we where missing that interaction at first and also my confidence with the lyrics is improving .
EBI; If Angles and Collin's movement was neater . Also I think Collins needs more attitude in his actions.
My target is to rehears with Max to create a neat dance routine for Santa Fe with devised actions and movements.

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