Thursday 22 October 2015

Dance 9th October La Vie Bohem

In this dance rehearsal we had a run through of La Vie Bohem and recognised what our weak points where within the dance and what our strong points where . I think my strong points have been working with Sophie on the little duets we perform together. And my characterisation of Collins when dancing . What I need to work on is travelling in time and also the multi task of singing and dancing . In my opinion I have developed as a dancer in La Vie Bohme and I think the energy of the song helps my character portray his views . To develop the dance I think myself and max as Collins and Angel should have a strong positions with a humorous element for the line 'Brothers'.

We also showed Kat our work with the chair duets .And she helped myself and Max with some movements we could incorporate into our dance . For example we had some turns , skipping and swaying with each other.
WWW; My interaction with mark and roger improved as I feels as though we where missing that interaction at first and also my confidence with the lyrics is improving .
EBI; If Angles and Collin's movement was neater . Also I think Collins needs more attitude in his actions.
My target is to rehears with Max to create a neat dance routine for Santa Fe with devised actions and movements.

Unit 1 8th October Chair Duets and Santa Fe

Today we looked into the technique of chair duets . I worked with Sax and Amber in a trio for a devised chair phrase . We had 18 counts to create different actions around the chairs and every movement had a count. This meant we had to be fast and sharp within our movements to stay in time and look neat. The purpose of this was to create a duet (or trio) for the train in Santa Fe .
We then staged the train in a diagonal line across the stage. I thought this was an effective train with the chairs facing each other . Also I thought the possibility of the chairs duets had a lot of potential to look effective. In my opinion to have all the duets happening at once was too busy and messy and also took focus away from the connection Collins has with Mark , Roger and mostly Angel in Santa Fe . This song is a passionate song about how they want to get away from being judged and city life and irrelevant opinions and how they want a peaceful  , relaxed life . My suggestion is that 2 duets are performing the phrases on one side and one group are performing on the other side. When the groups are waiting to perform they should do pedestrian style movements , keeping it simple from 3-5 different actions.  Then swap over so the other groups get to perform their duets. Also I think  a great way to bring an interactive element to the audience . When people are waiting to get on the train they could be waiting in the audience as if the seating space was the stations platform.

What I found challenging in this rehearsal was performing the song and then also dancing in the narrow space with max. To improve I think we could work with Kat to create some solid 'spontaneous' movements to use on the train . This would help because then we could associate lyrics with certain dance moves and vice versa.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Dance unit 50 2nd october evaluation rent

We watched our performance of Rent and evaluated it.

What Went Well ? 
My timing with the music was good , I have become alot faster and also my memory of the dance has improved . My extension was strong and looked professional. Also I am pleased with my characterisation and how I'm portraying it within my movements.

Even Better If 

It would be even better if I could make my movements bigger and more exaggerated . Also it would be good if my extension improved slightly this would help me bring Collins strong personality out.

Evaluation  of La Vie Boheme 

www;   My timing was good with the music and my lift with Sophie looks really good as well.

EBI;  To improve I could get abit faster within the dance and get alot more confident with the lyrics. 

Friday 9 October 2015

PAB 8th September multiple roles in a company

Below is a list of production roles within a theatre . Its not all about the acting that brings a show together it is a wide range of jobs that help run a successful production;
 Stage management 
Stage hands 
Lighting and sound designer 
Props designer
Costume designer 
Co director  
Co producer 
From of house 
Box office 
Set designer 
And more !! 

Producing theatres
Producing theatres are theatres who have team who make and develop productions.

Presenting theatres 
These theatres host travelling and touring companies. 

Educational staff 
Staff that educates the public about theatre in general. 

Below is a hierarchical structure table that I did in the lesson after we had a discussion on what different roles there are in the theatre and how they are all linked to each other to create a team in the industry and what job has the most responsibility . We concluded that the producer and director has the most power and responsibility within a production.