Wednesday 11 February 2015

Dv8 Enter achillies

Dance Lesson One

Dv8: Enter Achillies

Dv8 is a dance group that look a realistic situations or environments and create fantastic dances based on simple things.For example we watch a video clip called Enter Achillies. It was based on a simple surrounding - a pub with a common but not acceptable problem- discrimination against gay people. The dance characterization  was of drunk men acting rowdy at the local pub with they're work mates. Then they would group together to discriminate the gay man. They're dance was sluggish and heavy footed to portray they influence of alcohol ! Where as the gay man had stereotypical gay,  flowing movements all with perfect alignment and extension. 
Our task was to learn an interpretation of Enter Achillies.

I think for our first try at this dance we did really well to have a strong memory of the dance moves and we had alot of fun with it. However to improve our dance i think i  need to focus on my timing and characterization. For example i think my posture needed to be hunched over and i needed to look lower down in height. Also i needed to sway abit more to portray someone whose had a thew too many ! And my timing was a little off, with time and confidence of learning the moves well i can keep up! 

Dance Lesson Two

Dancing Skill

Physical Skills                      
  • Flexibility                 
  • co-ordination
  • posture
  • Extension
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Alignment
  • Balance
  • Musicality
  • Facial expression
  • Focus
  • Projection

Dance Lesson 3 

Review of my dance
I really liked our dance because we where very creative with original moves. We used techniques like cannon in our piece which made it more original and it looked very professional.
When reviewing myself i would say my physical skills where ok. For example i thought my characterization looked really appropriate to the brief (acting drunk). However my extension needs to improve! I need to be more confident with the moves and hold my limbs strongly. I also need to relax into the movements and focus my eye line.My targets are to keep strong extensions and confidence for the moves. Because if i don't have a strong extension i will look unprofessional and unsure of what i'm doing.

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