Friday 11 March 2016

Dance unit 50 developing our devised piece

TWAT-John Cooper Clarke

Above is a clip of your devised piece so far . We have decided to to make our piece very character and physical theater based. Our stimulus is a  Poem called 'Twat' by John Cooper Clarke.We have focused certain dynamics and moves to fit the words within the poem. Our main aim is to show the imagery of the poem within our movement  (movement that matches the word).

www; I think that our transitions flowed smoothly between moves and we had good timing with each other and John Cooper Clarke's reading of 'Twat' . Our canon and unison was really neat and in time too.  My movement was strong and I used all of my body to make the movement look bigger and exaggerated and to show the theme of tableaux and mime . I think in time  this could be a really successful piece , with more work and creative ideas I think we could pull it off in a really imaginative way.

Targets ; I think I should invest more time into portraying and character facial expressions  and making the moves bigger and more elegant.In addition to that I think we could look into making our eye line more focused and directed . Also I think our pace needs to be faster to create a more dynamic and sharp feel to our piece. Further more I think we need to come up with more daring and complex moves and transitions to push and challenge ourselves.

Thursday 3 March 2016

3rd march production task planning

Here I have taken some print screens of a table I made. It shows how many pages there are in each scene and  what characters are on stage. Also it shows what actor is on stage as we have double cast for some characters.
This will be helpful because quickly we can see who is needed and who is free. From this we can then determine who's back stage therefore we will know who will be available for helping with costume changes ,makeup ,set change and who will be doing a quick change themselves .